Tuesday, October 8, 2024

[HWPL Peace Summit] 100,000 people attend HWPL Peace Summit on its 10th Anniversary, Launch of the 'Together Campaign'

October 08, 2024 0 Comments

[HWPL  Peace Summit] 100,000 people attend HWPL Peace Summit
on its 10th Anniversary, Launch of the 'Together Campaign'

▎ The 10th anniversary celebration held in 122 countries including Korea will continue to convey the message of peace.

▎ The event focused on "Building a Global Peace Community through Regional Cooperation."

▎ The 'Together Campaign,' involving over 230 civic organizations, will implement region-specific activities.

On September 18, the 'HWPL 9.18 Peace Summit 10th Anniversary Ceremony' took place in approximately 40 countries, including South Korea. On this significant day, dignitaries and members from both domestic and overseas gathered, with around 100,000 attendees present at the HWPL Peace Training Center in Gyeonggi Province.

Hosted by the Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), led by Chairman Man Hee Lee, the event centered on the theme "Building a Global Peace Community through Regional Cooperation." The ceremony honored the contributions of world leaders and citizens towards peace over the past decade and sought strategies for future global harmony. Various dignitaries, including Ven. Hyechong, a prominent monk of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, and Jose Honorio da Costa Pereira Jeronimo, Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture of Timor-Leste, were in attendance.

In his commemorative speech, Chairman Man Hee Lee expressed gratitude to all attendees for marking the 10th anniversary of peace efforts. He urged, “Let us not draw lines between 'you' and 'me.' Instead, let us unite with love and peace to heal our world. Let’s collaborate, uplift each other, and leave a legacy of valuable peace for future generations.”

During the ceremony, attendees reviewed tangible results from peace initiatives since 2014 and discussed future plans, focusing on establishing regional networks tailored to local characteristics. This initiative aims to actively address threats to peace and consolidate collective efforts.

In line with the event's theme of inter-regional cooperation, HWPL established partnerships with the Group of Seven Plus (G7+) and the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) to advance peace initiatives. G7+ was formed to foster unity among conflict-affected countries through peace, stability, and development, with 20 member countries, while PARLATINO promotes development and integration based on democracy, currently comprising 23 member countries.

The ceremony also marked the launch of the national campaign "Together: Connecting the Republic of Korea," along with the signing of a MOU. The "Together" campaign, which began as a pilot in major cities across Korea in July, aims to foster intergenerational culture and implement various peace activities in collaboration with over 230 civil society organizations.

Chairman Lee appointed Kim Dong-hee as the head of the campaign, followed by the reading of the campaign declaration. The declaration emphasized reducing generational gaps and promoting mutual understanding for a better future, committing to create opportunities for respect and understanding among diverse cultures.

The "Together" campaign will carry on the spirit of the Saemaul Movement, which led the economic development and social change in 20th-century South Korea, with various activities being carried out nationwide by citizen participants. Just as the Saemaul Movement achieved national development through the modernization of rural areas and the strengthening of community ties, the ‘Together’ campaign aims to overcome social conflicts arising from differences in generations, regions, genders, and ideologies, based on social solidarity and cooperation.

Additionally, to achieve the "regional network" goal, sessions will be held across various classes in South Korea and worldwide. The slogan "Let Everyone Become a Messenger of Peace" will empower individuals to play a role in promoting peace. Specific efforts will be made to gather and share messages of peace and unity from citizens across various sectors both domestically and internationally.

HWPL, a non-governmental organization under the United Nations Economic and Social Council, originally held the Peace Summit in Seoul in 2014, inviting over 1,000 leaders from political, religious, women’s, youth organizations, and the media from more than 140 countries. This summit addressed issues such as conflict resolution, religious harmony, and the implementation of legal frameworks for sustainable peace.

#HWPL #918WARPsummit #10th_Anniversary 
#WorldPeace #Regional_Collaboration #World_Peace_Community 
#ManHeeLee #2024_WARPsummit

Monday, September 23, 2024

[HWPL Peace Summit] Celebrating a Decade of Peace: HWPL’s 10th Anniversary

September 23, 2024 0 Comments

Celebrating a Decade of Peace: HWPL’s 10th Anniversary

On September 18, the 10th anniversary of the HWPL Peace Summit was celebrated with an inspiring gathering of over 100,000 participants from around the globe, including 122 countries. This landmark event, hosted by the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), marked a significant milestone in the journey toward building a peaceful global community.

The central theme of the celebration was “Creating World Peace Community Through Regional Collaboration” This theme resonated throughout the event as leaders and citizens reflected on the contributions made over the past decade and strategized for future efforts in global harmony. Notable attendees included prominent figures such as the Venerable Hyechong of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and Jeronimo dos Reis, the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture of Timor-Leste.

In his keynote address, HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee expressed gratitude to all attendees, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration. He urged participants to move beyond divisions and to work together, stating, "Let us not draw lines between 'you' and 'me,' but unite through love and peace to nurture our planet."

The event highlighted the practical outcomes of HWPL's peace initiatives since 2014 and focused on establishing regional networks tailored to local contexts. These networks aim to proactively address peace threats in communities, fostering collective strength and collaboration.

Aligning with the event’s theme, HWPL announced new partnerships with the G7+ and the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) to enhance peace initiatives. These partnerships aim to promote stability and development in conflict-affected regions.

Additionally, the launch of the “DongHaeng: Connecting South Korea” campaign was a highlight of the ceremony. This campaign, involving over 230 civil society organizations, seeks to bridge generational gaps and foster intercultural understanding through various peace activities.

The campaign draws inspiration from the Saemaul Undong, a movement that transformed South Korea's rural landscape in the 20th century, aiming to promote social cohesion and overcome societal divisions based on age, region, gender, and ideology.

As HWPL continues to expand its efforts globally, the vision remains clear: to empower individuals to become peace ambassadors. Through community-driven sessions across diverse sectors, the campaign will share messages advocating for peace and unity.

Since its inception in 2014, HWPL has been at the forefront of promoting dialogue among diverse stakeholders to address conflicts and foster religious harmony. This anniversary celebration not only commemorates past achievements but also sets a hopeful trajectory for a future where peace is a shared responsibility among all.

Let us join hands in this vital mission and work together to create a world where peace prevails.

#HWPL #918WARPsummit #10th_Anniversary 
#WorldPeace #Regional_Collaboration #World_Peace_Community 
#ManHeeLee #2024_WARPsummit

Monday, September 2, 2024

[HWPL] Burundi, suffering from civil war, finds hope through peace education... "Let's raise messengers of peace"

September 02, 2024 3 Comments

[HWPL] Burundi, suffering from civil war,

finds hope through peace education...

"Let's raise messengers of peace"

▎ 4 schools, HWPL MOU, 6 peace teachers, conducting 66 cumulative classes

Peace education is one of HWPL's major projects, and it is an educational project based on the recognition that it is important to awaken the value of peace in order to pass peace on as a legacy to future generations. HWPL develops peace education courses, trains teachers, and opens peace classes to foster peaceful citizens. Peace education being implemented all over the world shows the realization of Article 10, 'Spreading Peace Culture', out of the 10 articles of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

In particular, educational institutions in countries and regions suffering from long-term wars and civil wars are more actively supporting and applauding HWPL's peace education that teaches practical peace than anyone else. HWPL peace education is also actively being carried out in Burundi, a country in eastern Africa. Above all, HWPL's peace education is urgently needed in Burundi, where civil wars and conflicts are frequent.

High-ranking Burundian officials have also visited Korea to attend HWPL events. Domitien Ndayizeye, former President of Burundi attended the 4th anniversary of 918 Peace Summit hosted by HWPL on September 19, 2018. He said, “We must work together to find a way to stop war. I ask all countries in the UN to support HWPL.”

◆ Local peace educators have high trust in HWPL

After the 5th anniversary of the Peace Summit in Burundi on September 7, 2019, four schools in Burundi (Angels’ School, Rehoboth Middle School, Cashi Public Middle School, and Le Dauphin School) signed an MOU with HWPL. Since then, these schools have conducted pilot education once a week based on peace education textbooks, and six peace teachers have been appointed. In the meantime, cumulative HWPL peace education has been conducted 66 times, including 15 times at Angels’ School, 12 times at Cashi Public Middle School, 26 times at Le Dauphin School and 13 times at Rehoboth Middle School.

In Burundi, there is a person who actively participates in peace education by cooperating with HWPL. That person is Hatungimana Lievain, a teacher at Cashi Public Middle School. Teacher Lievain played a decisive role in the signing of MOUs between Cashi Public Middle School and Rehoboth Middle School with HWPL in 2020.

He happened to participate in HWPL peace education by chance. In 2019, he was talking to a local pastor, Alois, and on his way home from church, he met a man on the street. The man said he had missed the bus, and a group of Lievain teachers, who happened to be going the same way, decided to take him home. On the way home, the man told that he was from the Democratic Republic of Congo and that was why he had fled to Burundi. He talked about the divided Korean Peninsula and introduced HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee.

After hearing this, Teacher Lievain became interested in HWPL and asked Alois for contact information, and began communicating with the person in charge of peace education at HWPL. Since then, Teacher Lievain has been actively participating in HWPL’s peace education, and has played a role in teaching peace not only in schools but also in the local community.

Teacher Lievain said, “Everyone is weak and imperfect. HWPL peace education teaches us how to understand others and forgive each other. I will work with HWPL with the goal of changing this world into a world of peace that can be passed down to future generations.”

Teacher Lievain also had great confidence in HWPL. He most sympathized with the way HWPL officials humbly communicated with him and other peace educators, and he expected that HWPL would eventually work in every country around the world.

Teacher Lievain defined the word ‘peace’ as 'harmonious relationships with others, and the cessation of conflicts between races.' He suggested that in order to achieve sustainable peace through HWPL, everyone must fundamentally learn to let go of greed and forgive each other. He also emphasized that all citizens of the world must actively participate in peace.

◆ Students, growing rapidly as messengers of peace

Burundi is a country located east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in central Africa. It came under Belgian rule during World War I and became a League of Nations trust territory under Belgian rule in 1923 as Rwanda-Urundi. After that, it became a United Nations trust territory from 1946 and in 1962, it separated from Rwanda and became independent as Burundi.

Burundi, with a population of about 13.23 million, is mostly made up of a half-throwing Hutu, with the Tutsi and the Pygmy Twas. The Tutsi dominate the majority Hutu, causing a country with severe ethnic conflict. In Burundi, where conflicts and confrontations are frequent, 'HWPL Peace Education' is having a great impact on nurturing students who will lead the future as messengers of peace.

On January 6th of this year, at the Le Dauphin School, in the Peace Textbook 1 <The Original Form of All Things in Heaven and Earth> Subtopic 3 ‘Cooperation and Coexistence’ class, student Belaka said, “I realized that we can create a better world through cooperation.” Teacher Frederick, who taught the class, emphasized, “It was a time for the students to realize the value of creating synergy through cooperation and the value of ‘togetherness’ through various activities and examples.”

After the 3rd Peace Education Lesson <The Reason Why World Peace Was Broken> class held on February 3rd last year, students shared the realization that love is necessary to create a peaceful world.

Student Samuela said, “I came to believe that love encompasses everything and ultimately plays a decisive role in creating a peaceful world.” Student Lavita also shared her thoughts about the class, saying, “From the story of the two brothers, I realized that the lack of love and respect between each other is what destroys peace.”

Teacher Frederick focused on teaching students that peace cannot be achieved without love by telling anecdotes. He said, “I taught them that peace cannot be achieved without love by focusing on anecdotes in the textbook. The students understood the situation well and actively participated in class.”

After the Peace Education Lesson 2 class <The Reason Why All Things in Heaven and Earth Are in Harmony> held on February 25th last year, student Samuela said, “Through peace education, I realized that everyone’s life is valuable and cannot be replaced by anything.” Regarding this, teacher Frederick explained, “The stories in the textbook helped students understand the key of the class.”

In the 3rd Peace Education class, <The Reason Why World Peace Was Broken>, held on May 27th last year, students realized that selfishness and greed lead to war.

A student Dan shared his insight after class, saying, “I realized that selfishness is the main cause of war, and I must remember what I learned today so that there will be no more wars.”

The teacher said, “Selfishness and greed cause endless conflict and war. If these aspects are not addressed in our society, peace will not be achieved. This was an educational lesson that the students absolutely needed.”

Reference : https://bit.ly/3IdNwAs

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

[HWPL] 10th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit

August 13, 2024 0 Comments

[HWPL] 10th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit
- Creating World Peace Community Through Regional Collaboration -

▎10th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit is expected to be celebrated in 122 countries around the world. 

Will be held under the theme of "Building a World Peace Community through Regional Collaboration."

▎Will be held in 18 large cities in Korea, including Seoul

▎The event will be an opportunity to explore peaceful strategies for the world harmony in the future 

The commemoration of ‘10th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit’ will be held in 122 countries around the world, including Korea.

The event, under the theme of ‘Creating World Peace Community Through Regional Collaboration,’ commemorates the contributions of world leaders and global citizens toward the peace over the past 10 years and aims to develop such contributions to develop peace as a global culture.

In Korea, events are scheduled to be held in 18 major cities in Korea, including Seoul and six major metropolitan cities, and tens of thousands of people nationwide will participate. HWPL introduced that a variety of peace events will be held to overcome conflict and seek harmony through peace.

In abroad, representatives and citizens from 122 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Ukraine, India, and the Philippines, will participate in discussions and campaigns to build each country's unique peace developing model. .

The international peace NGO (Corp.) Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL, Chairman Man Hee Lee) held the HWPL World Peace Summit in Seoul in 2014. At the time, more than 1,000 political, religious, women, and youth leaders and journalists from about 140 countries attended with the agenda of ▲dispute resolution, ▲religious harmony, ▲establishment of legal mechanisms to ensure sustainable peace, and so on. 


At this time, HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee pointed out by saying, “So many young people were sacrificed due to the war. But for whom? How long must this continue? Peace cannot be achieved just by talks. There would have been no such regrettable deaths if peace has ruled the world. Let us leave a legacy of peace to the world and to the future generation.”.

The commemoration of the 10th anniversary aims to review the peace project outcomes and specify future plans and build the necessary networks to establish a peace strategy tailored to regional characteristics.

An HWPL official said, “Strengthening regional networks enables quick and active response for peace threatening forces in a region. That is why we are trying to consolidate common capabilities. To achieve the goal, we plan to hold sessions for various groups in each country.”

This commemoration also emphasizes individual responsibility for building peace. HWPL plans to collect peace messages from citizens around the world with the slogan, ‘Let everyone in the world become peace messengers’ and use it as another driving force to achieve peace and unity.

Meanwhile, starting with the agreement signed in 2014, HWPL has contributed to solving problems such as ▲ resolving military tensions, r▲ esolving economic disputes, ▲ responding to climate change, and ▲ alleviating cyber security threats through inter-regional cooperation and collective action with global partners over the past 10 years.

#HWPL #918WARPsummit #10th_Anniversary 

#WorldPeace #Regional_Collaboration #World_Peace_Community 

#ManHeeLee #2024_WARPsummit

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

[Peace Story of Korean Man Hee Lee│Peace Education - Sri Lanka] “What we need to do now is to plant peace in the world and implement peace education.”

August 06, 2024 0 Comments

[Peace Story of Korean Man Hee Lee│Peace Education - Sri Lanka]
“What we need to do now is to plant peace in the world and
implement peace education.”

▎ Desperate for peace after 26 years of civil war… Bombings broke out in 2019 

▎ 8 teachers from 4 schools participated in peace education activities, schools also built a ‘peace monument’

Chairman Man Hee Lee, founder of HWPL and a Korean War veteran, said, “Let’s create a world of peace without war and pass it on to future generations as a legacy” and traveled around the world 31 times to provide peace education so that all students around the world could develop the power to create and maintain peace. Above all, peace education of HWPL does not just call for peace in words. This education is built on peace activities of HWPL realized by Chairman Lee. A representative example is the peaceful resolution of the 50-year religious armed conflict on Mindanao Island in the Philippines, which was achieved through mediation by Chairman Lee. The 'step for peace' shown by a private organization, not an international organization nor a government agency, is attracting attention because it presents a clear answer to prevent innocent sacrifices due to war.

In particular, countries that have suffered from civil war are keenly aware of the importance of HWPL's peace education. Sri Lanka is a country that experienced a civil war for 26 years from July 23, 1983 to May 18, 2009. It was a civil war between Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a Tamil rebel group. The 26-year civil war came to an end when Sri Lankan government forces suppressed areas controlled by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The civil war has ended, but the wounds are still not healed, and the desire for peace is that much earnest. This story is about peace education in Sri Lanka.

◆“Peace education must be practiced not only by students but also by teachers.”

On September 17, 2018, HWPL signed an MOA after holding a forum of global peace education development at the Ramada Hotel in Incheon with education ministers and vice ministers from four countries who visited Korea to attend the 4th commemorative ceremony of Peace Summit. At that time, the four countries that signed the MOA were Sri Lanka, Iraq, Guatemala, and Cambodia.

However, peace education did not take place in Sri Lanka immediately afterward. This is because exchanges were temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world in 2019. Then, Neil Subasinghe, the principal of the International Republican School in Sri Lanka, was connected with HWPL and attended an online seminar during the COVID-19 period, thereby peace education was introduced in earnest. Principal Subasinghe attended the peace teacher training held in October 2022 and led the teachers through the training as well. Currently, he is actively participating in peace education projects by applying peace education to the school's official curriculum and building a peace monument on campus.

In particular, on May 25 last year, the '10th Commemorative Ceremony of Declaration of Peace, Peace Monument Unveiling and MOU Signing Ceremony' were held at the International Republican School located in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka. On this day, 1,100 students signed up as HWPL members, and there was a peace education MOU signing ceremony for two schools belonging to the International Republican School. Principal Subasinghe introduced peace education to the mayor of Nuwara Eliya, who attended the event, and the mayor connected a person in charge of peace education to the school.

In Sri Lanka, peace education is being implemented in 4 schools (International Republican School, Bismi Koran School, Mount Kalbarri School, Kurugala and St. Thomas School), and 8 peace teachers are active. Except for Kurugala and St. Thomas School, the remaining three schools signed a peace education MOU with HWPL.

Principal Subasinghe, who attended the peace teacher training in March 2022, said, “Thank you for teaching us peace education training. We learned what peace is, and also learned how to live in harmony with others. This is an attitude that not only students but also teachers should have. Peace can be learned not only from people, but also from nature, such as birds. As I always said, let’s work together for the children. We must do something for this planet because we are one.”

A teacher from Ifam Republican International School also said “We plan to start classes in April 2022. Through the class, I want my students to understand the original state of all things in the universe. I will have my students draw the most impressive part of the class for homework.”

He also expressed that he was very impressed with the peace education training.

Teacher Ifam said, “This peace education training is truly special. What we can do for the world now is to instill peace. The peace education training gave us the motivation and strength to do good things for the world. All 45 teachers from our school will come together to implement peace education first in our school, then in the community, and then around the world. So the whole world can live in harmony.”.

◆“Providing many excellent educations that enable children to become peaceful citizens.”

Teachers at Mount Kalbarri School are just as passionate about peace education as the teachers at the International Republican School. These schools each have four peace teachers officially appointed by HWPL.

Sheila Anna Schmidt, a teacher at Mount Calvary School who participated in the peace teacher training in February 2022, said, “It is an excellent education that can provide a lot of education that will help children become peaceful citizens, and it is a curriculum that can be practically implemented in our schools. It is the teacher’s responsibility to teach today’s children, who will one day become our leaders, how to love, care for, and respect each other, as learned through the peace teacher training. Teachers have the responsibility to make children good people in our society.”.

In a class titled ‘The Cause of the Breaking of Peace in the Human World’ held in December 2022, Teacher Schmidt said, “Peace education classes are very important not only for students but also for adults. I’m really happy to have the opportunity to teach these lessons to students.”.

Kia Kitsumi, a student who attended the class that day, said, “Order is important. Where there is order, it is clean, neat, and there is peace. On the other hand, greed destroys love and can make our lives difficult. You can lose your family, friends, and home because of greed.”.

◆ Religious conflict exists despite the end of the Sri Lankan civil war

Meanwhile, on May 26, 2019, HWPL and IPYG held the '6th commemorative ceremony of Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk' in Sri Lanka. In particular, about a month had passed since the 'Easter bombings' occurred simultaneously in eight locations in Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019, killing 290 citizens and foreigners. Although the civil war that lasted 26 years has ended, it showed that the seeds of conflict in Sri Lanka still exist.

Even though a national emergency was declared at that time, 22 citizens voluntarily attended the event. Attendees at the event publicized the need for DPCW to achieve sustainable peace at home and abroad, and shared the results of the 'Peace Letter' campaign activities calling for DPCW conducted from all over the world and at home.

This is to encourage responses to letters sent to presidents of each country. This event was held at the Ganga Amaya Temple, a landmark in Sri Lanka, to commemorate the victims of the bombing and to pray for peace by touring the entire temple to prevent such heartbreaking incidents from happening again.

Reference : https://bit.ly/3V04udk 

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