Friday, May 18, 2018

Preventing Violent Extremism through a Peace Culture Campaign

May 18, 2018 0 Comments
The areas of security and education counter extremism accompanied by violence and conflict, This is the reason we are facing the dire need for the international cooperation on policymaking. A global campaign for a culture of peace is projected by international NGOs to raise public awareness on coexistence, tolerance, and mutual understanding, and encourage civic participation.

HWPL(Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) is an international NGO under the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN DPI). HWPL holds a campaign, title of "Walk&Talk to Prevent Violent Extremism” with its international association NGOs in many cities around the world.

From May 19th, HWPL and IPYG are jointly hosting the event in 44 different countries and 79 venues around the world, including. This event was hosted in South Africa and Namibia on May 27th, and Zimbabwe on May 30th. Africa United and Vulisango Youth for Peacewill cooperate to hold 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk in Cape Town, South Africa.

Namibia Youth Development Organization and Namibian Children’s Parliament will join IPYG for hosting the same event in Windhoek. Platform for Youth Development Trust (PYD) and Female Students Network will co-host an event in Harare. In the events, a booth will be running to promote recognition on peace among citizens along with cultural performances.

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The peace walk events in cities around the world, including South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia are planned to promote a peaceful environment in local communities with voluntary participation by citizens beyond differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, and gender.

This global campaign has been hosted by HWPL since 2013. HWPL is international NGOs. In 2013, the Declaration of World Peace was declared and 30,000 citizens joined the peace walk.

International youth have led role in developing peace walks as a peace project in worldwide. HWPL has initiated projects in 120 countries for conflict resolution and peace-building. This projects include legislation that promotes peace, interfaith dialogues, youth empowerment, and peace education.

Reference : (The Voice)