Sunday, September 16, 2018

[Peace Quotes] Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL

September 16, 2018 0 Comments
[Peace Quotes] Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL

Man has being doing peace work. Then, is there peace? Please keep peace and lead it to result. Peace families should tell their neighbors about peace and let them do peace work together. Should we just be a bystander? We can't. We have to take action.

President can not refuse peace. No one refuses peace. This is the reason why peace will com true. And this is the reason I'm asking you to work together for peace. I hope that we all unite together under peace and achieve eternal and peaceful world.

Both the president and an individual is the same person. If there is no people, there is no nation. If there is no nation, there is no president. The president loves the country and the people. Also, they are doing their best to make politics for the development of the country. Those people wouldn't like war. They would think the war should be ceased. They would want world peace for the people. In order for it to be achieved, DPCW, Artilcle 10 Clause38 should be practiced. So, the war can be ended and the peace can be achieved.

When I start doing this work, I transcend the border, the nation, and the religion. The reason I am doing this work is I believe the word we become one. 

When the United Nations was founded, it was created for peace. And, for the sake of this peace, we have a Security Council and five board members. These are the countries that make such a device that war does not take place. However, these countries has the enormous nuclei when they preclude some other countries from making a nuclear weapon. Did the UN prevent the war from happening? no

If war does not happen, is peace achieved? So, what will we hand over to our future generations? Day by day, there are more weapons to kill people. Will you pas them on to future generations? Should we not leave war, and leave peace to our future generations? Who should do it? We have to do it today. If we love children and love our country, we must do it. Is there a better place in that outer space than this earth? There is not. In this wide and unobstructed universe space, there is no place more beautiful and life-like than earth. Is not this the Creator God gave to mankind as an inheritance? Should we destroy it? I have to love.

You do not live 200 years when you have taken other country. why should we do it? We've taught to love others. But, what is love? 
Is it love to seize others? 
Is that the lesson of that country? We can not. So, religious people have to reflect and all nations also have to reflect. We must fight the war, do not ruin the planet. We must also consider the descendants of other nations. We must achieve the world of peace in the future.

Two days later, there will be 4th Anniversary of the WARP Summit. The summit will be held in 17 countries including Korea, USA, Germany, UK, France, Australia, Japan, Philippines and  Africa. The HWPL is carrying out a peace movement with international law enactment, inter-religious harmony and peace education as major projects to realize world peace. 

Would like to join?

The world started to realize and believe HWPL's peace work and the necessity of DPCW. 

#2018_HWPL_World_Peace Summit

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What is DPCW?

September 05, 2018 0 Comments
What is DPCW?

DPCW is the Declaration peace and Cessation of War which is designed to establish an international peace law. The status of today’s world can be traced back to the two tragic world wars since it was devastated in the aftermath of world wars. And, this is the reason why United Nations was founded to respond to the atrocities of conflict and loss of human dignity. 

Since then, there were many international agreements and declarations to secure peace. However, there exist national conflicts, religious conflicts, cultural bias and ethnic hatred which pull back the movement of peace. These elements of division made us harder to cope with recent global conflicts. At this time, human rights and a world free of war is the core values.

Regarding this matter, we must consider international society needs with legal approach which guides citizen's daily lives irrespective of nationalities, ethnicities and religions promoting peace at the same time. The invention of legal instrument will open the way for developing peace processes in our world in order to secure peace. 

The essential objectives of HWPL is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) is drafted by HWPL international Law Peace Committee and proclaimed on 14 March 2016. HWPL international Law Peace Committee is comprised of prominent international law experts from 15 different countries.

HWPL engages with civil society actors because peace cannot be sustained through elites and institutionalized processes. It has to go beyond all divisional lines. This is the reason why HWPL suggests a civil society function in order to build peace. Its goal is to implement citizen's advocacy and the voluntary practice of democratic values fostering a culture of peace.

The main activities of the Legislate Peace Campaign includes establishing an international peace law which is a bottom-up approach to resolve conflict. Leaders in politics, legal fields, the press and faith-based organizations implemented joint activities advocating for the ultimate peace system which can encompass all States and peoples. Also, they were acknowledged the greater involvement of civil society is needed.

Civil society actors and government representatives who work with HWPL are certain of building participatory structures which allow sustainable peace settlement. And, they will continue to call for a successful Law for Peace Initiative based on governmental and nongovernmental cooperation.

HWPL believes that structural causes of violent conflicts will be eradicated when legal framework with the DPCW is established, when all States take responsibility regarding peaceful conflict resolution and when war-like activities are ceased. This is the source of the efforts which are sustainable.

Let's find out more detail about Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

Article 1 - Prohibition of the threat or use of force

1. States should solemnly reaffirm that they refrain from the use of force in all circumstances, save where permitted by international law, and should condemn aggression as constituting an international crime.

2. States should refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of military force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations Charter or international law in general.

3. States should prohibit any act or threat of violence, whatever its motives or purposes, that occurs for the advancement of an individual or collective criminal agenda.
4. States should abstain from interference in the internal conflicts of other States.

Article 2 - War potential

1. States should co-operate with a view to the gradual global reduction of armament production.

2. States should not produce, assist in, encourage, or induce; the production of weapons of mass destruction, inter alia, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, or weapons capable of causing indiscriminate or widespread and unnecessary suffering, or weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law.

3. States should take measures to ensure that existing weapons of mass destruction, weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law are gradually dismantled or destroyed. States should cooperate in disarmament and the reduction of arms stockpiles, ideally under international supervision. Decommissioned weapons manufacturing facilities should be repurposed, so that they may serve purposes that are beneficial to humanity in general.

4. States should strive to reduce excessive standing armies and military bases.

5. States should cooperate to gradually diminish trade in weapons and attempt to reduce the flow of small arms to non-state actors.

Article 3 - Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression

1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), States should develop friendly relations based upon respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and should take appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.

2. States have the duty to refrain from any forcible action that deprives peoples of their rights to self-determination.

3. States should condemn the illegal occupation of territory resulting from the threat or use of force in a manner contrary to international law.

4. States should promote accountability, including by investigating alleged violations of international law, in particular, grave violation of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, and should take measures to ensure that states, citizens and corporations do not contribute to the commission of violations of international law.

5. States should condemn, and should criminalize in their domestic law, the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a person in a position effectively to exercise control over, or to direct, the political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which, by its character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of international law, thus amounting to a crime of aggression.

6. States should refrain from allowing their territories to be placed at the disposal of other actors, whether States or otherwise, to engage in armed force against a third State.

7. States should bear in mind the principle of sovereign equality of states, and should seek to consult all other states, on the basis of reciprocal respect, on issues that may relate to them, in order to resolve and pre-empt disputes which may arise. This provision should apply without prejudice to human rights law and human dignity.

Article 4 – State boundaries
1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from military, political, economic, or any other form of coercion aimed against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. This is without prejudice to instances when such forms of coercion may be lawfully applied, inter alia, to induce states to cease internationally wrongful acts, or when sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council.

2. Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing internationally recognized boundaries of another State, or as a means of resolving international disputes, including territorial and frontier disputes, in a manner inconsistent with international law.

3. Every state has the duty to refrain from any act of incitement, planning, preparation, initiation or commission of an act of aggression by a state, a group of states, an organization of states or an armed group or by any foreign or external entity, against the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of any State.

Article 5 - Self-determination

1. The duty of every state to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other state includes the duty not to engage in any action that would result in the dismemberment of any state, or force the secession or annexation of any territorial unit from that state.

2. Subject to the right to self-determination of peoples, states shall not engage in any intervention that seeks to divide or separate a state in a manner that is contrary to the rules of international law.

3. Every state has the duty to refrain from prematurely recognizing an entity that has purported to secede from another state, until such a time as the latter entity has developed the necessary attributes, capacities and legitimacy to function as a state.

4. Subject to the provisions of the present article, States should encourage identifiable nation-states that have been divided by longstanding external or historical factors to engage in co-operation and dialogue. States should ensure that divided peoples are provided with their right to self-determination, including, inter alia, measures which may result in unified government.

5. Any political system in which power is exercised in perpetuity by an individual or regime amounting to a manifest denial of the right to self-determination should be condemned.

Article 6 - Dispute settlement

1. States should recognize the obligation to settle their international disputes through peaceful means including reference to the International Court of Justice, other judicial bodies, regional judicial arrangements, or through arbitration, mediation, conciliation, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution and in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered. States should carry out any judgment or decision reached by a judicial body in good faith.

2. All states are encouraged to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in accordance with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court, without reservations, as a means of ensuring that disputes are settled peacefully and in accordance with international law.

Article 7 - Right to self-defence

1. Nothing in the present Declaration should be construed so as to impair the inherent right to individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a State, until such time as the Security Council has taken measures to maintain international peace and security.

2. Measures taken by states in the exercise of their right to self-defence should be immediately reported to the Security Council and should not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the United Nations Charter to take, at any time, such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Article 8 - Freedom of religion

1. States should unite to strengthen international efforts to foster a global dialogue for the promotion of a culture of tolerance and peace at all levels, based on respect for human rights and diversity of religions and beliefs.

2. States should activate and participate in systems to enforce and protect fundamental human rights, eliminating discrimination on the basis of religion or belief, and should refrain from and prohibit the usage of religion by governments, groups, or individuals in order to justify or to incite acts of violence against others. These systems should include, inter alia, judicial mechanisms.

3. States should foster religious freedom by allowing members of religious communities to practice their religion, whether publicly or in private, and by protecting places of worship and religious sites, cemeteries, and shrines.

Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity and peace

1. States should engage in multilateral consultations to deal with situations where differences attributable to religion or ethnicity pose a threat to peace so that necessary remedial action may be taken and to identify the root causes of a situation causing tension between different religious or ethnic groups, in order to adopt necessary measures to promote mutual understanding between the groups concerned.

2. States should take measures to ensure that religious belief or ethnic identity are not utilised as a pretext for gross and systematic acts of violence. In circumstances where individuals or groups perpetrate or assist in such acts in the name of their religion, states should take adequate measures that lead to the prosecution and punishment of such activities.

3. Recognising the threat to peaceful coexistence that violent religious extremism may cause, states should implement, in good faith, legal measures against individuals or groups attempting to perpetrate or assist in gross and systematic acts of violence in the name of religion. Such measures should, in extreme cases, include the proscription of faith groups – including sects or cults – that perpetrate acts of violence against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state.

Article 10 – Spreading a culture of peace

1. States should recognize and engage with groups and organizations that seek to further the cause of peace as a global movement. States should facilitate such groups in their awareness-raising activities, including providing tuition in human rights and peace studies, as provided for, inter alia, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1999 UN Declaration on a Culture of Peace.

2. States should recognize that, in order to preserve a lasting culture of peace, public awareness of the need for, and value of, peace should be created. In this regard, states are encouraged to facilitate activities, commemorations, and initiatives that engage public consciousness with peace, including the erection of peace monuments as an alternative to war monuments.

3. Heads of state and heads of government should acknowledge that they are uniquely well placed to encourage a culture of peace, and should act to support this declaration to bring about the cessation of war.

4. States should promote a culture of peace including ensuring conditions in which-
(a) citizens are able to participate in the political affairs of the state as equals regardless of religious or ethnic differences;
(b) a free media is maintained which allows grievances to be aired and addressed;
(c) education is imparted to promote respect and mutual understanding among different religious, belief and ethnic groups;
(d) the right to development of peoples, including the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals, can be realized; and
(e) the wellbeing of all human kind with the participation of women and men to ensure peaceful coexistence amongst nations, states, and peoples may be guaranteed.

This year, 4th commemoration of World Alliance of Religions' Peace Summit (WARP) will be held on 18th of September. I'll will personally upload youtube link on my blog when it's on live channel. Please, look forward to it.


Sunday, September 2, 2018

HWPL, who are they?

September 02, 2018 0 Comments
HWPL, who are they?

HWPL's motto is “When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away.” HWPL's core values are peace and respect for life. Transcending culture, religion, ideology and other boundaries, HWPL is working to achieve peaceful harmony in the global society. HWPL is trying to achieve world peace and cessation of war legislating the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

HWPL has 170 branches, 158 advisory council, 506 publicity ambassadors and 705000 legislate peace campaign signatures. Women and youth are active proponents of peace. They are involved with HWPL's peace initiatives and play a significant role to build peace and resolve conflict. 

 Let's find out HWPL peace initiatives & projects.

1. Law for Peace
Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) to achieve peace is essential objectives in order to eradicate the structural causes of violent conflicts.

2. Legislate Peace Campaign
The Legislate Peace Campaign is a global peace advocacy campaign for Law for Peace Initiative of HWPL.

3. Alliance of Religions
Religious conflicts are caused by misunderstandings. This is the reason why discussions based on scriptures are necessary. HWPL’s interfaith peace communication solely promotes the alliance of religions.

4. WARP Office
Through scriptures, over 200 WARP offices are operating to find the best solution around the world.

5. Women & Youth Empowerment
Women and youth unite together as one to voice their right to actualize HWPL's peace initiatives.

6. Peace Walk
Since 2013, peace walks and campaigns to spread culture of peace  every year.

7. Peace Education
117 schools voluntarily became HWPL Peace Academies and agreed to design programs and courses to enhance the peacemaking capacities of students in all grades.

Peace Community of HWPL

1. HWPL International Law Peace Committee
HWPL International Law Peace Committee is comprised of international law experts from 15 countries to achieve peace through establishing a legally binding instrument which is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

2. HWPL Advisory Council
HWPL Advisory Council provides advisory opinion and analysis on initiatives of HWPL in their respective fields of profession.

3. HWPL Publicity Ambassadors
HWPL Publicity Ambassadors holds promotional events, educates the public and publishes HWPL's news on media through on and offline platforms.

HWPL's today

Since its foundation in 2013, supporters and influence of HWPL has grown exponentially. With core value in peace, campaigns and events held by HWPL unites individuals from all sectors within society. Within a few short years, HWPL has partnered with citizens and organizations from over a hundred countries to advocate peace. Especially advocacy campaigns  are focused on an international law which is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW).

The World Alliance of Religion’ Peace(WARP) Summit is the annual events. And, peace walks are to commemorate the Declaration of World Peace. HWPL continues to gather support from individuals, civil society actors, national leaders, religious leaders, and others to achieve free of war and conflict. 

HWPL's motto is to sunshine light. The light was the first glimmers of dawn when it started. But, it became into the full light of day since more people are being awakened to this era of peace. 

When the world unites with a single heart for peace under the values of heavenly culture that transcend divisive boundaries between communities, the flower of peace will soon bloom and peace will be left as a legacy to future generations.

"We are one"
This year 4th commemoration of WARP Summit is coming. The summit will be held on September 18. We need your support.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

918 WARP is coming up

August 28, 2018 0 Comments
918 WARP is coming up.

When the light of heaven shines in the hearts of people, it becomes the light that never fades away. Peace and respect is the core values in life. HWPL achieves peaceful harmony in the global society to transcend culture, religion, ideology, and other boundaries.

HWPL makes commitment to bring world peace and cessation of war. And, an enforceable law which is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) and the World Alliance of Religions' Peace(WARP) needs to be established.

Women and youth play a significant role. So, it is necessary to be involved with HWPL's peace initiatives to build peace and resolve conflict in their respective communities.

HWPL is hosting World Alliance of Religion's Peace every year. This year is 4th time. 4th Annual Commemoration of WARP Summit is coming up soon. World Alliance of Religion's Peace(WARP) will be held on 18th of Sep. You can peek 918 WARP.


Monday, July 30, 2018

World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP)

July 30, 2018 6 Comments
World Alliance of  Religions' Peace (WARP)
World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP) started in 2014 held by HWPL in Seoul, South Korea, 200,000 participants from 130 countries across the world have participated in first WARP Summit. WARP is a global interfaith peace movement. The major protect of HWPL is the WARP offices discussing on the role of religion in peace-building for the global community.

The purpose of the WARP Summit is the Declaration of World Peace respecting human rights and development. International legal foundation, education opportunities of youth and women empowerment are included. Since 80% of war is caused by religion conflicts, WARP offers religious leaders a chance to cooperate in peace-building for global citizens. Global citizens has right to enjoy a better life and better world in an era of peace.

For starter, heads of states and representative leaders from 12 religions signed an agreement. They also declared inter-religious cooperation for world peace. The 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit which was held in 2015 showed global support establishing an international legal mechanism for peace.

Human value is threatened by war and conflict. It became a task for global citizens to find the solution to peace. Many leaders tried to achieve peace. However, the peace was never sustained on earth. For this reason, HWPL's WARP Offices discuss the spirit of peace written in religious scriptures to step forward. Over 170 WARP offices have been founded around the world to find the best solution to peace through religious scriptures. We have responsibility to make peace as a legacy for the future generation. Since 80% of conflicts are caused by religion, religion must play an important role.

The virtue of peace spiritually in human beings is the key point in religions. Most of scriptures define the value of peace which is crucial teaching. However, those teaching counteract against today's destruction of human values. In that sense, interfaith dialogues held in WARP Offices will light to discover the elements of our global society to devellop the spirit of coexistence, love and cooperation.

#HWPL #Peace #WARP_summit #ManHeeLee #solution

Sunday, June 17, 2018


June 17, 2018 0 Comments

Recently, the Korean peninsula is facing new waves. In 2018, we've had 5th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and peace walk to restore peace in the world. 5th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace is titled Resolving Conflicts and Spreading a Culture of Peace through the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

The Declaration of World Peace urged all members of society calling to work as peace messengers. It presents needs of a legal measure to be devised. Also, it needs to be recognized in the international community for peace and cessation of war. The importance of youth's role is also highlighted since youth is future leaders of society. The Declaration was later further developed into more concrete codes of the 10 articles and 38 clauses in the DPCW.

Recent developments are changes that heighten expectations for governments and nongovernmental organizations alike. These developments include the widening channels of discussion with neighboring countries, the hosting of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, and the reignition of inter-Korean interaction in the private sector. As part of current developments, HWPL planned a peace campaign with a slogan of 'Together for A New Start, Together for Peace'. The citizen-oriented peace campaign has focused on free travel, exchange and interaction between the two Koreas. The peace campaign has brought the progress in terms of World Peace and Restoration of Light as the NGO's name.

The foundation of the DPCW aims to build a world of peace. The current international order allows the rule of power (force). However, DPCW emphasizes on the universal values including coexistence and respect for one another. Article 5 Self-determination in the DPCW deals with an efficient approach to matters pertaining to state boundary related issues and peoples such as the independence, annexation of any territorial unit.

The legitimacy of the right to self-determination is in line. The DPCW stipulates the principle of the right to self-determination. I understand that it's hard to balance between respecting and limiting the rights of an individual. Also, the same applies to relations between states and peoples which means the right to self-determination and governance is applied to peoples and states. And the Article expresses the challenge of our times at the heart of building a harmonious and peaceful international order, upholding democracy and human rights.

The application of the right to self-determination for a peaceful world is incomplete at the current stage. For example, the Korean Peninsula was forcibly put under the rule of Japan. After surrender of Imperial Japan followed by closing of WWII, independence was “given”. The war on the Korean Peninsula has still not completely ended. Even though the Korean Peninsula is at a ceasefire, 800,000 young men and women are kept armed and guns pointed. Inevitably, the globe is faced with great risk.The lessons taught through history show that decisions that lack autonomy breeds conflict.

Based on DPCW Article 5 Self-Determination and Article 10 Spreading a Culture of Peace, HWPL will promote peace programs focusing on citizen participation in seeking free travel and vibrant inter-Korean exchange and laying the grounds for reducing the risk of conflict and establishing global peace. The events taking place in other locations around the globe will call for an active role taken by citizens to break away from the past of wars and build a future of peace and also discuss efficient applications of DPCW Articles 5 and 10.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Preventing Violent Extremism through a Peace Culture Campaign

May 18, 2018 0 Comments
The areas of security and education counter extremism accompanied by violence and conflict, This is the reason we are facing the dire need for the international cooperation on policymaking. A global campaign for a culture of peace is projected by international NGOs to raise public awareness on coexistence, tolerance, and mutual understanding, and encourage civic participation.

HWPL(Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) is an international NGO under the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN DPI). HWPL holds a campaign, title of "Walk&Talk to Prevent Violent Extremism” with its international association NGOs in many cities around the world.

From May 19th, HWPL and IPYG are jointly hosting the event in 44 different countries and 79 venues around the world, including. This event was hosted in South Africa and Namibia on May 27th, and Zimbabwe on May 30th. Africa United and Vulisango Youth for Peacewill cooperate to hold 4th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk in Cape Town, South Africa.

Namibia Youth Development Organization and Namibian Children’s Parliament will join IPYG for hosting the same event in Windhoek. Platform for Youth Development Trust (PYD) and Female Students Network will co-host an event in Harare. In the events, a booth will be running to promote recognition on peace among citizens along with cultural performances.

No directly related image
The peace walk events in cities around the world, including South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia are planned to promote a peaceful environment in local communities with voluntary participation by citizens beyond differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, and gender.

This global campaign has been hosted by HWPL since 2013. HWPL is international NGOs. In 2013, the Declaration of World Peace was declared and 30,000 citizens joined the peace walk.

International youth have led role in developing peace walks as a peace project in worldwide. HWPL has initiated projects in 120 countries for conflict resolution and peace-building. This projects include legislation that promotes peace, interfaith dialogues, youth empowerment, and peace education.

Reference : (The Voice)