'Gas stations will change'... 4 oil refinery company, started charging business for electric vehicle
October 13, 2020
'Gas stations will change'... 4 oil refinery company, started charging business for electric vehicle
In Korea, we have 4 oil refinery company such as SK energy, GS Caltex, Hyundai Oilbank and S-Oil. These companies established a service system with charger manufacturers and charging service companies in order to convert their gas stations to electric vehicle charging station. It is part of a future strategy to respond to the growing demand for electric vehicles.
The oil refining industry is planning to gradually convert the existing gas station to an charging station from next year. All 4 refineries established a cooperation system with electric vehicle charger manufacturers and charging service companies. Is has begun to convert gas stations nationwide into electric vehicle charging stations. Now, we can experience the change in the era of electric vehicles when looking at all four refineries have secured necessary service technologies and product for the electric vehicle charging business.
Most of refineries have partners and are making models in the form of directly operating charging stations. According to the service business strategy for each company, they plan to establish systematization of charging facilities and service models in its own form from next year.
As the electric vehicle market is still in its infancy, through government subsidy projects minimizing initial investment, they plan to gradually increase the amount of conversion to ultra fast chargers at charging stations according to electric vehicle demand. SK energy will install and operate 190 charging stations by 2023. GS Caltex will build 160 and Hyundai Oilbank will build 200. From 2022 onwards, the conversion of charging stations is expected to accelerate considering the situation in which there are only a few electric vehicle models capable of super fast charging of 300kW or higher.
These four refineries plan to expand not only gas stations but also distribution to charging service infrastructure while specializing in specific rates and service systems for corporate customers such as freight electric trucks and electric taxis.
Reference : https://bit.ly/3lSzjvJ